
Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support

Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support


Welcome to Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Security & Data Protection


School is surrounded by a security fence and gates are locked promptly once pupils are in. All staff wear named identity badges. All visitors enter the school via the main entrance into the secure lobby and sign the visitors’ book. A visitor’s badge is allocated and what to do in case of fire. Visitors are always escorted around school. All outside doors are all routinely closed after break and lunch times. Younger pupils are only handed over to identified adults by their parents/carers.


Data Protection

Brookfield Park is the data controller for the purposes of Data Protection Act 1998. We collect information from you, and may receive information from your previous school and the Learning Records Service.

We hold this personal data and use it to:-

  • Support teaching and learning;
  • Monitor and report on progress;
  • Provide appropriate pastoral care;
  • Assess how well we are doing.


This information includes your contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information and personal characteristics such as ethnic group, SEN&D (Special Educational Needs and or disabilities)

Data Protection Policy
