
Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support

Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support


Welcome to Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Curriculum Overview

Our Science Curriculum has been developed starting with our intent, What do our children need, here and now, to develop a secure understanding of the purpose and concepts in the science curriculum? Each unit of work is based on embedding chunks of knowledge that will enable children to learn the next chunk of knowledge in an ultimate aim of gaining a deeper understanding of the overall concept.

The long term plan outlines the specific area of each topic that will be a focus for the year group. A comprehensive 'progression in knowledge' document will be used alongside the unit of work and lessons are delivered using a variety of resources including assessment documents from PLAN.

Working scientifically is an important part of developing children's skills in 'thinking like a scientist'. There are 7 strands which children are expected to become fluent in. These are:

  • Asking questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways

  • Making observations and taking measurements

  • Engaging in practical enquiry to answer questions

  • Recording and presenting evidence

  • Answering questions and concluding

  • Evaluating and raising further questions and predictions

  • Communicating their findings.

These are achieved through lots of practical based activities and opportunities in each unit to participate in Scientific enquiry.

The Five strands to scientific Enquiry are:

  • Comparative / fair testing
  • Research
  • Observation over time
  • Pattern seeking
  • Identifying, grouping and classifying


Below is a copy of our Long Term Planning document which illustrates exactly when each  unit of work will be happening. These have been planned by looking at the whole curriculum but occasionally a topic may be moved to provide children with a direct link to something that is happening in the wider world or community. Any changes will be reflected and altered on our long term plans and up to date information is available on the termly class newsletter.


As with all elements of the curriculum the skills and knowledge learned in science will be embedded through other subject areas. One example of this is Design Technology whereby children will need to use the skills and knowledge they have learnt in science to complete a DT task.

