
Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support

Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support


Welcome to Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

At Brookfield Park Primary School we believe that education about health issues is very important for the development of our pupils both now and for the future.  We acknowledge the important link between a healthy diet and the ability to learn effectively.

Key healthy eating messages will be taught within Science, Design Technology (DT) and Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE).  They will also be delivered through assemblies. Pupils learn how to make healthy snacks and meals.  In addition, they learn important food handling and hygiene practices.

Healthy Snacks

In the EYFS pupils have the choice of a range of healthy snacks each day.  KS1 and KS2 pupils have the opportunity to purchase wholemeal toast at break-time. 

We are involved in the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.  Every child in EYFS and KS1 is encouraged to have a piece of fruit or vegetable each day.  This is eaten at afternoon break.

Drinks Policy

Pupils have access to water fountains throughout the school day. Pupils are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school each day and drink water particularly after PE, active play and in hot weather.

School strongly recommends the drinking of milk as it is a vital contribution to your child’s calcium intake.   School provides subsidised school milk, £12.00 per term or if your child is entitled to free school meals this is free.  

School Meals

School dinners are prepared on the premises. All school meals promote healthier food choices. All Year R, 1 and 2 pupils receive a free school dinner either a hot meal or sandwiches.

All dinner money should be paid via School Money in advance. If you fall behind with payments a reminder is sent home.

If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals you must complete the appropriate form that may be obtained from and returned to school office or can be completed on line.  School gets extra money to support your child if he/she is entitled to free school meals (Pupil Premium).

Packed Lunches

Facilities are also provided for KS2 pupils to eat their own packed lunches. These meals should be sent to school in a suitable labelled container. We encourage healthy packed lunches; for example: packed lunches should include a sandwich including a healthy filling, a portion of fruit and/or vegetable e.g. piece of fruit or fruit juice, dried fruit, cherry tomato, raw carrot, cucumber wedge, a low sugar drink, and a yoghurt, fromage frais etc. We do not allow sweets, chewing gum or fizzy drinks.
