Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support
Health and Safety
Pupils must remain in school during the day unless collected by parents/carers or by adults that parents/carers have nominated. Pupils not being met at home time must go straight home. Pupils are reminded regularly not to talk to strangers either on foot or in cars. Regular risk assessments are undertaken to ensure safe working practices.
For our pupils' safety only cars displaying blue disabled badges are allowed to use the drop off lane.The car park is strictly for staff use only.
Should a pupil be involved in an accident at school we have a number of trained First Aiders to attend to minor cuts, bruises etc. and provide a comfortable environment forthe injured pupil. Parents/carers will receive a 'bump of the head letter' or a'minor accident form' to report an accident and any subsequent treatment and/ or as appropriate parents, careres will be informed verbally.
If the injury is thought to be more serious or if a pupil falls ill at school, staff will give assistance and comfort and make arrangements for parents/carers (or designated adults) to be contacted so that the pupil can be collected and taken home for professional medical care. It is important that we have an up to date emergency contact number from you and a list of identified adults that your child can be handed over. Please let us know of any changes.
The person responsible for health and safety is Mrs Lyn Wignall. A detailed Health and Safety Policy outlining roles and responsibilities has been agreed by governors.
Medicines in School
Medicines are administered with prior arrangement with the headteacher or part of a care plan. Our pupils with asthmatic problems must keep their inhalers on their person or in the classroom in the case of our younger pupils at all times. It is important that you inform school of any allergies.
School is surrounded by a security fence and gates are locked promptly once pupils are in. All staff wear named identity badges. All visitors enter the school via the main entrance into the secure lobby and sign in at Reception. A green visitor's lanyard is allocated to any visitor who has a DBS clearance which has been seen by a member of staff and/or for which we have an official notification of including the number of the DBS clearance. All other visitors will be given a red lanyard and are always escorted around school by a member of staff with DBS clearance. All outside doors are all routinely closed after break and lunch times and extra security measures have been fitted to outside doors including keypads and security fobs required to get back into the building. Younger pupils are only handed over to persons who have been named by the parents/ carers and in the case of vulnerable children extra precautionary measures are put in place when/ if there is a member of staff teaching the class who is unfamiliar with the people who collect the child.
Emergency Contacts
Should the occasion arise that your child falls ill or has an accident at school, it is vital that we have an emergency contact number for us to use and that this is kept up to date. We also use a texting service so keeping school up to date with your mobile number is essential. To safeguard your child school will also need a list of adults that are eligible for collecting your child.
Data Protection
Brookfield Park are the Data Controller for the purposes of Data Protection Act 1998. We collect information from you, and may receive information from your previous school and the Learning Records Service.
We hold this personal data and use it to:-
· Support teaching and learning;
· Monitor and report on progress;
· Provide appropriate pastoral care;
· Assess how well we are doing.
This information includes your contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information and personal characteristics such as ethnic group, SEND and any relevant medical information. We will not give information about pupils to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules permit it.