
Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support

Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support


Welcome to Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’


Welcome to our Maple Class homework page!


Here I will set out our expectations for our weekly homework, including timings, what is set weekly and also suggestions for extra activities that you child could take part in to continue their home learning.


Year 3 homework includes:

  • Spellings
  • Times tables and Maths
  • Reading
  • Writing.


Homework is ALWAYS set on a Monday - unless you are messaged to inform you otherwise.

Homework is ALWAYS due in on the Friday of the same week.


Spellings homework 

Your child will bring home a list of spellings that they need to learn. They will need to complete the daily spelling practice grid and write each of their words into a full sentence, making sure that their sentences make full sense and are punctuated correctly. A spelling test will take place every Friday. If you would like to see which spellings your child will be set this term, take a look at the half termly overviews which set out the spelling strategies and spelling lists for each week below. Please ensure that all written homework is completed using either pencil or a blue or black ink pen. Documents detailing the Year 3 word list and the relevant half termly spellings document will be included on this page too.


Maths Homework 

Maths homework will be set each week. This consists of Times Tables Rockstars practice and maths questions based off the weeks learning. We ask that your child completes at least an hour a week on Times Tables Rockstars to promote their multiplication skills in a year that they are used a lot.


Times Tables Rockstars logins are stuck into the children's reading records.


Reading Homework - your child is required to read daily. Reading is an important life skill plus reading for pleasure helps us to relax and escape to other worlds and interests. Reading also helps to improve spelling, grammar, sentence construction and imaginative ideas for own writing. Your child will bring home a reading book appropriate for their current reading level, which they are to read regularly. They will also bring home a more challenging book that they will read for pleasure and hopefully share with someone at home. These books will be changed regularly - either when completed or if your child has given it a try and are just not enjoying it. They will be required to complete a book review when changing a completed book and prizes and certificates will be awarded at appropriate times. We really want to promote a true love of reading in our children and your support with this will be greatly appreciated. We really hope also that the children enjoy reading their books in our relaxing reading garden in class.


Extra Home learning – optional ideas

Should you wish your child to continue their home learning, here are a few ideas that they may wish to do;

•           Home reading of absolutely anything that grabs their interest!

•           Visit the library

•           Handwriting practice

•           Use of educational APPs and websites

•           Learn to tell the time – both on analogue and digital clocks

•           Arithmetic practice of number facts for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication

•           Story and poetry writing

  • plan a holiday, looking at transport, accommodation, areas of interests to visit, costs, food and more!

•           Topic research

•           Science facts research

  • Sketching and drawing 

•           Baking

•           Designing and making models for a purpose

  • Painting 