
Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support

Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support


Welcome to Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Policy 2024

We are proud to be an inclusive school.

As an inclusive school, Brookfield Park Primary School strongly believes that no pupil should be disadvantaged as a result of their background and ensures that resources and support are also provided for children who may not necessarily be eligible for free school meals or looked after, but who have been identified by the school as being at an educational disadvantage compared to their peers. This support is funded out of the School’s main budget. Programmes involving children who are eligible for the grant as well as those who are not are often part-funded by Pupil Premium, proportional to the children they benefit.

At Brookfield Park Primary school our key strategies to close the attainment and progress gaps for Pupil Premium pupils are as follows:

  • All teaching will be judged as at least good with much evidence of outstanding
  • High expectations that all PP children will be secure in RWM by the end of each academic year (unless SEN&D)
  • Deliver a rich, exciting and engaging curriculum to all
  • Children will be supported in becoming more independent in their approaches to learning

Ofsted Recommendations

Ofsted conducted a survey of Pupil Premium usage during April/May 2012. Recommendations from the findings included the following:

  • School leaders, including governing bodies, should ensure that Pupil Premium funding is not simply absorbed into mainstream budgets, but instead is carefully targeted at the designated children. They should be able to identify clearly how the money is being spent.


School leaders, including governing bodies, should evaluate their Pupil Premium spending, avoid spending it on activities that have little impact on achievement for their disadvantaged pupils, and spend it in ways known to be most effective.

  • Schools should continue to seek ways to encourage parents and carers to apply for FSM where pride, stigma or changing circumstances act as barriers to its take-up
  • Ofsted should continue to evaluate the use of Pupil Premium funding by schools to ensure that they are focusing it on disadvantaged pupils and using it effectively


Ofsted have published two reports:

Pupil Premium- How schools are spending the funding successfully to maximise achievement



How schools are using the pupil premium funding to raise achievement for disadvantaged pupils


Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

We have appointed a Pupil Premium Champion, this is Mrs Allard (Y5 class teacher.) Please contact Mrs Allard if your circumstances at home have changed and you feel that your child may now be eligible for the Pupil Premium additional funding.


Pupil Premium Strategy


The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 to provide additional funding to support children who are looked after and those from low income families, including those eligible for Free School Meals. It is for schools to decide how the Pupil premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. Schools are accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support their pupils.

Brookfield Park Primary School aims to be a school of opportunity and success for all pupils, including those who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium. They are pupils from the following groups:


  • Pupils who are or have been on Free School Meals at any time during the last six years (Ever 6)
  • Children Looked After who have been so for at least six months as of 1 April the previous year
  • Children with a parent in the armed forces.


Brookfield Park Primary School is accountable for our use of the additional funding to support our PP pupils.

We believe that the measure of successful spending should be raising standards, the narrowing of the achievement gap, through ensuring that our Pupil premium children are achieving in line or above their peers and the broadening of opportunities for the most disadvantaged pupils at Brookfield Park Primary School.



Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2027

This document will be added to our website as soon as our Pupil Premium Champion has completed it with all up to date data and information please return within the next couple of days.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2026

This has temporarily been removed from our website as our Pupil Premium Champion is working on this document and the reviewed document will return within the next couple of days.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2025
