
Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support

Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support


Welcome to Brookfield Park Primary School‘Nurture, include and inspire to succeed’

School Sports Premium

School Sports Premium 2023 2024

School Sports Premium 2022 /2023

School Sports Premium 2021/2022

School Sports Premium 2019/2020

PE and Sports Premium Funding


Through the sports funding we have the following long term aims for the staff and children at Brookfield Park Primary School:


Within the PE curriculum

  • Along with building a solid base of skills and knowledge in PE for staff in school through continued CPD, the funding supports our PE delivery through access to good quality lesson materials which ensures the children are building on prior knowledge and developing skills throughout their primary school journey.
  • Access to specialised coaches who can offer the children and staff their specialised knowledge in understanding how to develop the skills in each aspect of PE and develop competent sportsmen and women.
  • That all children will attend swimming lessons and develop their confidence in the water. All children will develop a sound understanding of safety in and around the water. 

Additional sporting opportunities beyond the curriculum

  • Due to the absence of clubs within the locality, we participate in sporting events and competitions to promote a variety games across Skelmersdale, these are organised through our FORWARD Cluster of schools and also through events organised by WLSP.
  • To enrich the curriculum for the children and enable additional sports to be offered such as fencing, archery and a variety of other opportunities and help children to identify talents they may not yet know they have.
  • To offer our youngest children the opportunity to develop confidence and skills in riding a bike.
  • To ensure disadvantaged children are able to access the same opportunities for outdoor adventurous activities through attending residential trips and additional opportunities provided by the cluster.

Improving the sporting facilities for all of our children

  • We are developing our schools outdoor provision to ensure that our children are given the highest quality of play equipment and facilities.
  • Providing access to structured and free learning opportunities during playtimes and encourage games and exercise.
  • Providing older children with the opportunity to lead sporting activities for the younger children in order to develop their own skills and confidence.
  • Developing areas where quiet reflection is possible to ensure children have an opportunity to pause and enjoy peaceful moments outside along with nature based activities such as gardening, nature walks etc.