Brookfield Park Primary School are proud to support
Brookfield Park Promise
We are always kind
We always show respect
We always take ownership
The aim of school discipline is to encourage every pupil to behave in a responsible manner based on a concern for the rights of other individuals and to lead pupils to exercise self-discipline. At Brookfield Park Primary School we aim to foster a tolerant, caring attitude and expect pupils to behave in a respectful and considerate way towards others.
Our school behaviour policy is written with all members of the school community in mind, pupils, parents, carers and grandparents and staff - school should be a happy and secure place for all.
• Promoting desired behaviour
• Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority, and positive
relationships based on mutual respect
• Ensuring equality and fair treatment for all
• Praising and rewarding good behaviour
• Challenging and disciplining misbehaviour
• Providing a safe environment, free from disruption, violence, discrimination, bullying and
any form of harassment
• Encouraging positive relationships with parents
• Developing positive relationships with pupils to enable early intervention
• A shared approach which involves pupils in the implementation of the school’s policy and associated procedures
• Promoting a culture of praise and encouragement in which all pupils can achieve
House Points System
This year in Brookfield Park we have moved to a house system.
We have 4 houses which are named after precious stones :
Each week house captains and vice captains are responsible for counting house points and the winning team is announced in our weekly celebration assembly.
Keep an eye out for updates about house team points and competitions and events!!!
Through the teaching of PSHRE we endeavour to enable pupils to gain the knowledge, understanding and confidence they need to lead healthy, independent lives and become informed, active and responsible citizens. Brookfield Park Primary School uses the Jigsaw programme to support the teaching of PSHRE (see link below). Pupils are also encouraged to take part in a range of activities and experiences across the curriculum and to contribute fully to the life of our school and the wider community. They learn to understand, appreciate and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
Classes carry out circle time weekly. There is an elected school council which is representative of every class in school. Pupils on the school council are involved in many decisions made in school which directly affect them.
PSHRE is taught through the Jigsaw themes. Each theme focuses on developing pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills of empathy, self-awareness, social skills and motivation. Pupils are also taught how to keep themselves safe through safety education.